Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Intro to Should everyone be allowed to use the "N" word?

“Nigger” or “Nigga” which one would you rather be called Nigger or Nigga. Is there a difference between the two words? In my English class we are reading The adventures of Huckleberry Finn and in the book they mentioned the word a lot. Say for instance you were a slave would you want your master calling you a Nigger? Or maybe a racist person calling you a dirty monkey? People sometimes use the word in a racist way. Others can use it as a greeting to your friend, buddy, or hommie. Some also use it to hurt another person. If you were greeting a friend would you say it? What is the difference between Nigger and Nigga? Is there even a difference?

Thursday, November 8, 2007

In re Gault:40 years later

I was up set at the fact someone can be arrested and not have their rights read to them even though they didn't have enough money to pay for it. I was applaud by the fact he was held against his will and never knew what the charges were. He did not have an attorney present and they did not appoint one to him. What the government did was accuse him of something and never investigated the issue.Then 39 years later a case that was something like what the Gault case was like but it was on different charges. This case was about a girl who used her Freedom of speech and talked about her Vice Principle on a myspace she had "allegedly" made and she "allegedly" said some threatening comments on the "alleged Myspace page". But the whole thing was meant out to be a joke. The same thing that happened to Gault happened to the girl was not read her rights. She was not officially arrested they gave her mom paper work and did not explain what the paper work was. Basically it was saying she waved her daughters right to council But those document was an unconstitutional document because only the accuser can wave their rights to council. The case went on and she eventually was put out of the Fact program and soon she will not have a record.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

My Philosophy of Government

My opinion is that humans can be both nasty and brutish but also be nice at times. That is what Hobbes and Locke believed. Thomas Hobbes believed that humans can tend to be nasty and brutish. John Locke believed that humans are naturally nice and peaceful.