Friday, October 24, 2008

Third Annotation for NHD 08-09

"Alpha Kappa Alpha- Kappa Chapter." Kappa Chapter Klassy since 1920. 09/04/2006. Kappa Chapter. 24 Oct 2008 .

This is a website that tells the story of the Kappa Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha. This gives a history background of the chapter and when they were formed and the founging members of that chapter. Each Chapter has their own version of the story and how their chapter came about. This website gives a biography of Ethel Hedgmen Lyle it says the same thing that the others say it is just from a different chapter.

1 comment:

Mr. Ackerman said...

This is a great start. You need to post your thesis, revised thesis, and introduction.

Grade: Unsatisfactory - missing assignments